Radio :
ATNF: 29-06-1995 to 31-07-1995: ATNF;
6 cm (4.8 x 109 Hz), 3 cm (8.64 x 109 Hz)
- 95-06-29-08:13:35 to 08:18:35 and 08:36:05 to 08:41:05 (UT)
- 95-07-03-03:37:05 to 03:42:04 and 03:59:35 to 04:04:35 (UT)
- 95-07-05-07:54:05 to 07:59:05 and 08:16:35 to 08:21:35 (UT)
- 95-07-08-03:15:15 to 03:20:15 and 03:37:45 to 03:42:45 (UT)
- 95-07-10-02:26:25 to 02:31:25 and 02:47:55 to 02:52:55 (UT)
- 95-07-11-10:04:05 to 10:09:05 and 02:47:55 to 02:52:55 (UT)
- 95-07-13-03:32:55 to 03:37:55 and 03:55:25 to 04:00:25 (UT)
- 95-07-15-03:21:05 to 03:26:05 and 03:43:35 to 03:48:35 (UT)
- 95-07-18-06:46:25 to 06:51:25 and 07:08:55 to 07:13:55 (UT)
- 95-07-21-07:49:32 to 07:54:32 and 08:13:17 to 08:18:17 (UT)
- 95-07-22-02:50:32 to 02:55:32 and 03:13:47 to 03:18:47 (UT)
- 95-07-24-02:38:25 to 02:43:25 and 03:00:55 to 03:05:55 (UT)
- 95-07-26-02:22:55 to 02:27:55 and 02:45:25 to 02:50:25 (UT)
- 95-07-27-05:23:55 to 05:28:55 and 05:46:25 to 05:51:25 (UT)
- 95-07-29-03:45:25 to 03:50:25 and 04:07:55 to 04:12:55 (UT)
- 95-07-31-03:25:05 to 03:30:05 and 03:47:35 to 03:52:35 (UT)
(All observations conducted by Tasso Tzioumis, ATNF)
Near-infrared :
11-07-1995/13 : La Silla, 2.2 m, IRAC2;
K'= 1.99—2.31 µm (1.4 x 1014 Hz)
H = 1.48—1.82 µm (1.8 x 1014 Hz)
J = 1.11—1.40 µm (2.4 x 1014 Hz)
- 95-07-11-22:54 to 95-07-11-23:30 (UT) : K'
- 95-07-11-23:34 to 95-07-12-00:00 (UT) : H
- 95-07-12-00:04 to 95-07-12-00:30 (UT) : J
- 95-07-12-00:42 to 95-07-12-00:55 (UT) : K'
- 95-07-12-01:01 to 95-07-12-01:16 (UT) : H
- 95-07-12-01:20 to 95-07-12-01:35 (UT) : J
- 95-07-13-01:48 to 95-07-13-02:15 (UT) : K'
- 95-07-13-02:16 to 95-07-13-02:40 (UT) : H
- 95-07-13-02:42 to 95-07-13-03:05 (UT) : J
- 95-07-13-03:08 to 95-07-13-03:20 (UT) : K'
- 95-07-13-03:23 to 95-07-13-03:35 (UT) : H
- 95-07-13-03:36 to 95-07-13-03:50 (UT) : J
(All observations made by myself)
Optical :
21-07-1995/24 : La Silla, 2.2 m, EFOSC2;
V = 555.0 nm (5.4 x 1014 Hz)
B = 435.0 nm (6.9 x 1014 Hz)
- 95-07-21-00:15 to 95-07-21-01:05 (UT) : B
- 95-07-21-02:23 to 95-07-21-03:14 (UT) : V
- 95-07-21-23:58 to 95-07-22-00:30 (UT) : B
- 95-07-22-01:09 to 95-07-22-01:40 (UT) : V
- 95-07-22-23:40 to 95-07-23-00:11 (UT) : B
- 95-07-23-01:01 to 95-07-23-01:26 (UT) : V
- 95-07-23-23:27 to 95-07-23-23:58 (UT) : B
- 95-07-24-00:33 to 95-07-24-01:01 (UT) : V
(All observations made by myself)
UV :
13-07-1995 and 25-07-1995 : IUE ;
Spectra covering 120—200 nm (2.5—1.5 x 1015 Hz)
- 95-07-13-04:53 to 95-07-13-12:48 (UT)
- 95-07-25-05:19 to 95-07-25-12:19 (UT)
(Observations conducted by Jerry Bonnell)
12-07-1995/22 : ROSAT WFC ;
Filter centered at 124 eV (3.0 x 1016 Hz)
- 95-07-12-23:31 to 95-07-13-03:31 (UT)
- 95-07-13-23:22 to 95-07-14-03:24 (UT)
- 95-07-17-22:54 to 95-07-18-02:55 (UT)
- 95-07-21-22:26 to 95-07-22-00:51 (UT)
- 95-07-22-22:18 to 95-07-23-00:44 (UT)
(Observations due to my ROSAT proposal for AO 5)
X-Ray :
12-07-1995/22 : ROSAT HRI ;
0.1—2.4 keV (2.4—58.0 x 1016 Hz)
- 95-07-12-23:31 to 95-07-13-03:31 (UT)
- 95-07-13-23:22 to 95-07-14-03:24 (UT)
- 95-07-17-22:54 to 95-07-18-02:55 (UT)
- 95-07-21-22:26 to 95-07-22-00:51 (UT)
- 95-07-22-22:18 to 95-07-23-00:44 (UT)
(Observations due to my ROSAT proposal for AO 5)
Gamma-Ray :
10-07-1995 to 25-07-1995 :
- BATSE : 25—420 keV (6.0—101.6 x 1018 Hz)
- OSSE : 0.05—4 MeV (1.2—96.7 x 1019 Hz)
- COMPTEL : 0.75—30 MeV (1.8—72.5 x 1020 Hz)
results published in Steinle et al. 1998
- EGRET : 0.1—1.0 GeV (2.4—24.2 x 1022 Hz)
(Observations due to my CGRO proposal)
All the following data are included in the NASA/Ipac Extragalactic Database (NED).
All data are given as log(νF
ν) [Jy Hz] versus log(ν) [Hz].
The eight columns of each set have the following meaning:
A : log(ν) [Hz] is the logarithm (base 10) of the mean (median,
central) frequency of the frequency interval. In cases where
the spectral slope within this frequency interval is known, the
value is calculated taking the spectrum into account.
B : log(νF
ν) [Jy Hz] is logarithm (base 10) of the energy flux per
frequency interval multiplied with the mean frequency (see above).
If columns 'E' and 'F' are negative, then 'B' is a two sigma (statistical
plus systematic error) upper limit.
C : this is the logarithm (base 10) of the value one has to subtract
from 'A' to obtain the lower (lower frequency) end of the frequency
D : this is the logarithm (base 10) of the value one has to add
to 'A' to obtain the upper (higher frequency) end of the frequency interval.
E : this is the logarithm (base 10) of the value one has to subtract
from 'B' to obtain the lower end of the uncertainty interval of 'B'.
If this value is negative, then 'B' is a two sigma (statistical plus
systematic error) upper limit.
F : this is the logarithm (base 10) of the value one has to add
to 'B' to obtain the upper end of the uncertainty interval of 'B'.
If this value is negative, then 'B' is a two sigma (statistical plus
systematic error) upper limit.
R : remarks; e.g. observatory, instrument, specific observation date(s)
(listed after data table)
P : Publication / reference
(listed after data table)
First Cen A observation with CGRO (viewing period 12)
Start of observations : October 17, 1991 14:33 UT (TJD 8546.606)
End of observations : October 31, 1991 14:55 UT (TJD 8560.622)
19.0887 13.8326 0.0244 0.0245 0.0130 0.0126 a 1,5
19.1353 13.8122 0.0220 0.0221 0.0144 0.0139 a 1,5
19.1769 13.8368 0.0195 0.0196 0.0158 0.0152 a 1,5
19.2152 13.8330 0.0188 0.0188 0.0167 0.0161 a 1,5
19.2509 13.8674 0.0169 0.0169 0.0150 0.0145 a 1,5
19.2834 13.8457 0.0157 0.0157 0.0139 0.0135 a 1,5
19.3137 13.8717 0.0145 0.0146 0.0117 0.0114 a 1,5
19.3547 13.8809 0.0265 0.0266 0.0078 0.0076 a 1,5
19.4050 13.9033 0.0236 0.0236 0.0075 0.0074 a 1,5
19.4482 13.9092 0.0213 0.0214 0.0082 0.0081 a 1,5
19.4909 13.9200 0.0193 0.0194 0.0102 0.0100 a 1,5
19.5362 13.9347 0.0261 0.0262 0.0114 0.0111 a 1,5
19.5852 13.9298 0.0232 0.0233 0.0150 0.0145 a 1,5
19.6419 13.9216 0.0340 0.0342 0.0192 0.0184 a 1,5
19.7063 13.8968 0.0294 0.0296 0.0234 0.0222 a 1,5
19.7755 13.8890 0.0402 0.0404 0.0230 0.0219 a 1,5
19.8511 13.8719 0.0340 0.0342 0.0309 0.0288 a 1,5
19.9641 13.8427 0.0788 0.0798 0.0324 0.0301 a 1,5
20.1018 13.7221 0.0586 0.0591 0.1027 0.0830 a 1,5
20.2306 13.9494 0.0696 0.0703 0.1017 0.0823 a 1,5
20.3729 13.7163 0.0719 0.0728 -1.0000 -1.0000 a 1,5
20.5878 14.0305 0.1418 0.1449 -1.0000 -1.0000 a 1,5
20.8782 13.9681 0.1463 0.1496 -1.0000 -1.0000 a 1,5
20.3207 13.8947 0.0622 0.0628 0.2984 0.1752 b 1,5
20.6177 13.6176 0.2342 0.2429 -1.0000 -1.0000 b 1,5
21.1168 13.4272 0.2562 0.2667 0.4135 0.2079 b 1,5
21.6177 13.5762 0.2342 0.2429 0.2798 0.1688 b 1,5
22.6551 12.0357 0.0000 0.0000 0.1672 0.1204 c 1,5
Cen A multiwavelength campaign 1995
Start of CGRO observations : July 10, 1995 14:12 UT (TJD 9908.592)
End of CGRO observations : July 25, 1995 14:32 UT (TJD 9923.596)
9.681 10.454 0.006 0.006 0.023 0.021 d 2,4,5
9.937 10.766 0.003 0.003 0.022 0.022 e 2,4,5
15.29 6.48 0.007 0.008 -99.9 -99.9 f 4,5
17.48 11.03 1.1 0.28 0.04 0.06 g 4,5
18.8072 13.7404 0.0840 0.0867 0.1471 0.1097 h 4,5
18.9538 13.4702 0.0598 0.0613 0.2627 0.1625 h 4,5
19.0759 13.6509 0.0609 0.0623 0.1292 0.0995 h 4,5
19.1979 13.5392 0.0597 0.0611 0.1757 0.1247 h 4,5
19.3194 13.7356 0.0604 0.0618 0.1047 0.0843 h 4,5
19.4296 13.7905 0.0485 0.0494 0.1055 0.0848 h 4,5
19.5373 13.7474 0.0583 0.0596 0.1218 0.0950 h 4,5
19.6699 13.7451 0.0729 0.0750 0.1533 0.1131 h 4,5
19.8124 13.7559 0.0675 0.0693 0.2509 0.1580 h 4,5
19.9472 13.8269 0.0655 0.0672 0.3698 0.1968 h 4,5
19.0800 13.5949 0.0242 0.0243 0.0429 0.0391 i 2,4,5
19.1261 13.5680 0.0218 0.0219 0.0467 0.0422 i 2,4,5
19.1681 13.5080 0.0201 0.0202 0.0611 0.0536 i 2,4,5
19.2065 13.6180 0.0182 0.0182 0.0525 0.0469 i 2,4,5
19.2584 13.6429 0.0338 0.0339 0.0324 0.0301 i 2,4,5
19.3216 13.5881 0.0293 0.0294 0.0290 0.0272 i 2,4,5
19.3770 13.5796 0.0260 0.0261 0.0266 0.0250 i 2,4,5
19.4374 13.6519 0.0342 0.0344 0.0194 0.0186 i 2,4,5
19.5012 13.6442 0.0295 0.0297 0.0283 0.0265 i 2,4,5
19.5569 13.6152 0.0260 0.0261 0.0462 0.0417 i 2,4,5
19.6204 13.6600 0.0373 0.0376 0.0505 0.0453 i 2,4,5
19.6899 13.7424 0.0320 0.0321 0.0634 0.0553 i 2,4,5
19.7746 13.7047 0.0526 0.0530 0.0539 0.0479 i 2,4,5
19.9059 13.2114 0.0782 0.0792 0.2166 0.1438 i 2,4,5
20.1182 13.6511 0.1331 0.1359 0.1429 0.1073 i 2,4,5
20.4150 13.7287 0.1610 0.1651 -1.0000 -1.0000 i 2,4,5
20.6975 14.0668 0.1118 0.1138 -1.0000 -1.0000 i 2,4,5
20.9196 14.1651 0.1083 0.1101 -1.0000 -1.0000 i 2,4,5
21.1938 13.4749 0.1641 0.1683 0.7365 0.2592 i 2,4,5
20.32 13.81 0.06 0.06 -1.0 -1.0 k 1,2,4,5
20.60 13.60 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.15 k 1,2,4,5
21.09 13.34 0.23 0.29 0.56 0.24 k 1,2,4,5
21.60 13.46 0.22 0.26 -1.0 -1.0 k 1,2,4,5
22.66 11.94 0.28 0.72 -1.0 -1.0 l 5
a CGRO OSSE data; no correction applied/needed;
14 days integration time.
OSSE had a 4 x 11 degree field-of-view and an angular resolution of few
b CGRO COMPTEL data; no correction applied/needed;
14 days integration time.
COMPTEL had a 60 degree radius field-of-view and a location accuracy of
2 degrees.
c CGRO EGRET data; no correction applied/needed;
14 days integration time.
EGRET had a 30 degree radius field-of-view and a location accuracy of
30 arcminutes.
d Australia Telescope National Facility Compact Array;
average of 16 observations (5 minutes each);
no correctionapplied/needed; average of observations
e Australia Telescope National Facility Compact Array;
average of 16 observations (5 minutes each);
no correction applied/needed; average of observations
f International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE; UV satellite);
average of 2 observations (8 and 7 hours duration);
data not corrected for Galactic and intergalactic extinction
as correction is uncertain;
g ROSAT High Resolution Imager;
average of 5 observations (about 5000 s each);
data corrected for Galactic and intrinsic extinction (N-H = 1.5 x 10
atoms cm
contamination from transient source (Ref. 3) removed.
ROSAT location accuracy is about 3 arcsec.
h CGRO BATSE data; no correction applied/needed;
14 days integration time.
BATSE was an omnidirectional instrument. The location accuracy for
Cen A using the Eart occultation technique is few degrees.
i CGRO OSSE data; no correction applied/needed;
14 days integration time.
OSSE had a 4 x 11 degree field-of-view and an angular resolution of few
k CGRO COMPTEL data; no correction applied/needed;
14 days integration time.
COMPTEL had a 60 degree radius field-of-view and a location accuracy of
2 degrees.
l CGRO EGRET data; no correction applied/needed;
14 days integration time.
EGRET had a 30 degree radius field-of-view and a location accuracy of
30 arcminutes.
Publications / References:
Steinle H., Bennett K., Bloemen H. et al.
1998, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 330, 97
- COMPTEL data (photon flux) in Table 2;
- OSSE, COMPTEL, and EGRET data plotted in Fig. 3.
Steinle H., Bonnell J., Kinzer R.L. et al.
1999, Advances in Space Research, 23, 911
- data points in plots only
- ROSAT data point still contaminated by transient source (Ref. 3)
- EGRET data point in error: log(νF
ν) plotted is 11.04 but should
be 11.94 (Figs 2 and 3)
Steinle H., Dennerl K., Englhauser J.
2000, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 357, L57
Steinle H.
2001, ASP Conference Series, 224, 183
- data points in plots only
- EGRET data point in error: log(νF
ν) plotted is 11.04 but should
be 11.94 (Figs 4 and 5)
Steinle H.
In: Proceedings Gamma 2001 — Gamma-Ray Astrophysics 2001,
4—6 April 2001, Baltimore, MD, US 2001
AIP Conference Proceedings, 587, 353
- data points in plots only (Figs 1 and 2)
All the following data are included in the NASA/Ipac Extragalactic Database (NED).
The six columns of each set have the following meaning:
A : log(ν) [Hz] is the logarithm (base 10) of the mean (median,
central) frequency of the frequency interval. In cases where
the spectral slope within this frequency interval is known, the
value is calculated taking the spectrum into account.
B : log(νFν) [Jy Hz] is logarithm (base 10) of the energy flux per
frequency interval multiplied with the mean frequency (see above).
If columns 'E' and 'F' are negative, then 'B' is a two sigma (statistical
plus systematic error) upper limit.
C : this is the logarithm (base 10) of the value one has to subtract
from 'A' to obtain the lower (lower frequency) end of the frequency
D : this is the logarithm (base 10) of the value one has to add
to 'A' to obtain the upper (higher frequency) end of the frequency interval.
E : this is the logarithm (base 10) of the value one has to subtract
from 'B' to obtain the lower end of the uncertainty interval of 'B'.
If this value is negative, then 'B' is a two sigma (statistical plus
systematic error) upper limit.
F : this is the logarithm (base 10) of the value one has to add
to 'B' to obtain the upper end of the uncertainty interval of 'B'.
If this value is negative, then 'B' is a two sigma (statistical plus
systematic error) upper limit.
All data sets are obtained with the CGRO COMPTEL instrument;
no correction applied/needed;
COMPTEL had a 60 degree radius field-of-view and a location accuracy of
2 degrees.
CGRO COMPTEL data Phase I viewing period (VP) 14.0
Start (yyy-mm-dd-hh:mm) 14-11-1991-16:15 (UT) TJD 8574.677
End (yyy-mm-dd-hh:mm) 28-11-1991-11:30 (UT) TJD 8588.479
20.3195 14.1702 0.0610 0.0639 0.2069 0.1396
20.6008 13.5532 0.2174 0.2598 0.4667 0.2197
21.0966 13.7449 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 14.1018 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
CGRO COMPTEL data Phase I VP 23.0
Start 19-03-1992-14:01 (UT) TJD 8700.58
End 02-04-1992-12:49 (UT) TJD 8714.53
20.3195 13.9042 0.0610 0.0639 1.1742 0.2862
20.6008 13.7855 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.9927 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 13.7855 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
CGRO COMPTEL data Phase I VP 27.0
Start 28-04-1992-13:24 (UT) TJD 8740.56
End 07-05-1992-14:08 (UT) TJD 8749.59
20.3195 13.9799 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.8212 0.2174 0.2598 0.2325 0.1506
21.0966 13.6396 0.2360 0.2868 0.8625 0.2702
21.6008 13.9181 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
CGRO COMPTEL data Phase I VP 32.0
Start 25-06-1992-13:58 (UT) TJD 8798.58
End 02-07-1992-??:?? (UT) TJD 8805.
20.3195 13.9906 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.8698 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.9532 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 14.0865 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
CGRO COMPTEL data Phase II VP 207.0
Start 12-01-1993-15:12 (UT) TJD 8999.63
End 02-02-1993-14:33 (UT) TJD 9020.61
20.3195 13.7202 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.5315 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.6724 0.2360 0.2868 0.1383 0.1047
21.6008 13.6032 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
CGRO COMPTEL data Phase II VP 208.0
Start 02-02-1993-14:43 (UT) TJD 9020.61
End 09-02-1993-16:12 (UT) TJD 9027.68
20.3195 13.9519 0.0610 0.0639 0.6709 0.2520
20.6008 13.4967 0.2174 0.2598 0.7782 0.2632
21.0966 13.4883 0.2360 0.2868 0.9031 0.2730
21.6008 13.9181 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
CGRO COMPTEL data Phase II sum of VP 215.0 + 217.0
Start 215.0 01-04-1993-16:18 (UT) TJD 9078.68
End 215.0 06-04-1993-19:27 (UT) TJD 9083.81
Start 217.0 12-04-1993-13:34 (UT) TJD 9089.57
End 217.0 20-04-1993-14:18 (UT) TJD 9097.60
20.3195 14.0453 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.6688 0.2174 0.2598 0.2098 0.1409
21.0966 13.8071 0.2360 0.2868 0.1347 0.1027
21.6008 13.5637 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
CGRO COMPTEL data Phase III VP 314.0
Start 03-01-1994-16:22 (UT) TJD 9355.682
End 16-01-1994-15:18 (UT) TJD 9368.637
20.3195 14.1182 0.0610 0.0639 0.1963 0.1347
20.6008 13.7533 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.6132 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 13.7186 0.2174 0.2598 0.3802 0.1996
CGRO COMPTEL data Phase III VP 315.0
Start 16-01-1994-15:45 (UT) TJD 9368.656
End 23-01-1994-15:31 (UT) TJD 9375.646
20.3195 13.5239 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.0011 0.2174 0.2598 0.4075 0.2065
21.0966 13.1223 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 13.7186 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
CGRO COMPTEL data Phase III VP 316.0
Start 23-01-1994-16:06 (UT) TJD 9375.671
End 01-02-1994-14:32 (UT) TJD 9384.606
20.3195 14.1560 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.5739 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.7449 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 13.5425 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
CGRO COMPTEL data Phase IV / Cycle 4 VP 402.0
Start 18-10-1994-15:11 (UT) TJD 9643.633
End 25-10-1994-14:07 (UT) TJD 9650.588
20.3195 13.9519 0.0610 0.0639 0.6198 0.2455
20.6008 13.8947 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.7449 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 13.7855 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
GRO COMPTEL data Phase IV / Cycle 4 VP 402.5
Start 25-10-1994-14:44 (UT) TJD 9650.614
End 01-11-1994-14:07 (UT) TJD 9657.588
20.3195 14.1182 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.7533 0.2174 0.2598 0.2688 0.1648
21.0966 13.7101 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 13.9404 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
Start 03-10-1996 TJD 10359
End 15-10-1996 TJD 10371
20.3195 14.0011 0.0610 0.0639 0.1761 0.1249
20.6008 13.5425 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.6644 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 13.8155 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
GRO COMPTEL sum of VP 619.0 + 619.4 + 619.7
Start 619.0 06-05-1997 TJD 10574
End 619.0 14-05-1997 TJD 10582
Start 619.4 20-05-1997 TJD 10588
End 619.4 28-05-1997 TJD 10596
Start 619.7 04-06-1997 TJD 10603
End 619.7 10-06-1997 TJD 10609
20.3195 13.6789 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.4845 0.2174 0.2598 0.2430 0.1549
21.0966 13.2644 0.2360 0.2868 0.6792 0.2530
21.6008 13.5425 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
Start 02-09-1997 TJD 10693
End 09-09-1997 TJD 10700
20.3195 13.9576 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.7186 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.5655 0.2360 0.2868 0.7584 0.2614
21.6008 13.9404 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
GRO COMPTEL sum of VP 630.0 + 632.1
Start 630.0 23-09-1997 TJD 10714
End 632.1 03-11-1997 TJD 10755
20.3195 13.5239 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.2626 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.5286 0.2360 0.2868 0.1734 0.1236
21.6008 13.4318 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
GRO COMPTEL sum of VP 705.0 + 706.0 + 707.0
Start 705.0 09-12-1997 TJD 10791
End 707.0 30-12-1997 TJD 10812
20.3195 13.4747 0.0610 0.0639 0.6990 0.2553
20.6008 13.4028 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.4635 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 13.5425 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
GRO COMPTEL sum of VP 717.0 + 718.0 + 719.0
Start 717.0 14-04-1998 TJD 10917
End 719.0 05-05-1998 TJD 10938
20.3195 13.7000 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.2828 0.2174 0.2598 0.6021 0.2430
21.0966 13.3552 0.2360 0.2868 0.6829 0.2534
21.6008 13.5425 0.2174 0.2598 0.4559 0.2175
Start 25-09-1998 TJD 11081
End 06-10-1998 TJD 11092
20.3195 13.8830 0.0610 0.0639 0.2499 0.1576
20.6008 13.6808 0.2174 0.2598 0.2632 0.1627
21.0966 13.6563 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 13.7186 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
Start 16-03-1999 TJD 11253
End 23-03-1999 TJD 11260
20.3195 14.0213 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.7186 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.7708 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 13.8155 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
GRO COMPTEL sum of VP 817.5 + 819.5
Start 817.5 27-05-1999 TJD 11325
End 819.5 22-06-1999 TJD 11351
20.3195 13.5239 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.3021 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.2438 0.2360 0.2868 0.5336 0.2323
21.6008 13.2926 0.2174 0.2598 0.6532 0.2499
GRO COMPTEL sum of VP 821.0 to 826.0
Start 821.0 06-07-1999 TJD 11365
End 826.0 17-08-1999 TJD 11407
20.3195 13.9689 0.0610 0.0639 0.0928 0.0764
20.6008 13.4387 0.2174 0.2598 0.1559 0.1145
21.0966 13.2330 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 13.3384 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
Start 28-09-1999 TJD 11449
End 05-10-1999 TJD 11456
20.3195 13.9576 0.0610 0.0639 0.3245 0.1836
20.6008 13.7665 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.0966 13.8665 0.2360 0.2868 -1.0000 -1.0000
21.6008 14.0196 0.2174 0.2598 -1.0000 -1.0000
Start 01-03-2000 TJD 11604
End 21-03-2000 TJD 11624
20.3195 13.7928 0.0610 0.0639 -1.0000 -1.0000
20.6008 13.3384 0.2174 0.2598 0.7959 0.2648
21.0966 13.6724 0.2360 0.2868 0.3090 0.1787
21.6008 13.8698 0.2174 0.2598 0.2134 0.1425